Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 1 - 1819.djvu/322

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dink as a daisy, as ye see—sae she has little reason to complain—where there's ane better aff there's ten waur."

"Aweel, gudewife," said Caleb, crest-fallen, but not beaten off, "that wasna the way ye guided your gudeman; but ilka land has it's ain lauch. I maun be ganging—I just wanted to round in the gudeman's lug, that I heard them say up bye yonder, that Peter Puncheon that was cooper to the Queen's stores at the Timmer Burse at Leith, is dead—sae I thought that maybe a word frae my lord to the Lord Keeper might hae served Gilbert; but since he's frae hame"——

"O but ye maun stay his hame-coming," said the dame—" I aye telled the gudeman ye meant weel to him; but he taks the tout at every bit lippening word."

"Aweel, I'll stay the last minute I can."

"And so," said the handsome young spouse of Mr Girder, "ye think this Miss