Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 2 - 1819.djvu/105

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know any statutes but those against shooting red deer, killing salmon, and"——

"And speaking of red-game," said the young scape-grace, interrupting his father without scruple or hesitation, "Norman has shot a buck, and I shewed the branches to Lucy, and she says they have but eight tynes, and she says that you killed a deer with Lord Bittlebrains' hounds, when you were west away, and do you know she says it had ten tynes—is it true?"

"It may have had twenty, Henry, for what I know; but if you go to that gentleman he can tell you all about it—Go speak to him, Henry—it is the Master of Ravenswood."

While they conversed thus, the father and son were standing by the fire; and the Master having walked towards the upper end of the apartment, stood with his back towards them, apparently engaged in examining one of the paintings. The boy ran up to him, and pulled him by the skirt of the coat with the freedom of a spoilt