Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 2 - 1819.djvu/168

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tell you what I think about his title; but as for running my neck into a noose, and my good broad lands into the statutory penalties, 'in that case, made and provided,' rely upon it you will find me no such fool. So when you mean to vapour with your hanger and your dram-cup in support of treasonable toasts, you must find your liquor and company elsewhere."

"Well, then," said Craigengelt, "name the toast yourself, and be it what it like, I'll pledge you were it a mile to the bottom."

"And I'll give you a toast that deserves it, my boy," said Bucklaw; "what say you to Miss Lucy Ashton?"

"Up with it," said the Captain, as he tossed off his brimmer, "the bonniest lass in Lothian—What a pity the old sneck-drawing whigamore, her father, is about to throw her away upon that rag of pride and beggary, the Master of Ravenswood."

"That's not quite so clear," said Bucklaw, in a tone, which, though it seemed