Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 2 - 1819.djvu/196

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dressed up in the manner he described, "Mon Dieu!" said the expiring sinner, who, it seems, saw both the real and polygraphic apparition—"Il y en est deux!"

The surprise of the Lord Keeper was scarcely less unpleasing at the duplication of the expected arrival; his mind misgave him strangely. There was no neighbour who would have approached so unceremoniously, at a time when ceremony was held in such respect. It must be Lady Ashton, said his conscience, and followed up the hint with an anxious anticipation of the purpose of her sudden and unannounced return. He felt that he was caught "in the manner." That the company in which she had so unluckily surprised him was likely to be highly distasteful to her, there was no question; and the only hope which remained for him was her high sense of dignified propriety, which, he trusted, might prevent a public explosion. But so active were his doubts and