Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 2 - 1819.djvu/292

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affectionate regret, of the declining health of the sheriff-clerk of the county.

"An excellent man—a most valuable man, Mr Caleb—but fat sall I say!—we are peer feckless bodies—here the day, and awa' by cock-screech the morn—and if he failzies, there maun be somebody in his place—and gif that ye could airt it my way, I suld be thankful, man—a gluve stuffed wi' gowd nobles—an' hark ye, roan, something canny till yoursell—and the Wolf's-hope carles to settle kindly wi' the Master of Ravenswood—that is, Lord Ravenswood—God bless his lordship."

A smile, and a hearty squeeze by the hand, was the suitable answer to this overture, and Caleb made his escape from the jovial party, in order to avoid committing himself by any special promises.

"The Lord be gude to me," said Caleb, when he found himself in the open air, and at liberty to give vent to the self-exultation with which he was, as it were, distended; "did ever ony man see sic a set of