Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 2 - 1819.djvu/319

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Why, now I have Dame Fortune by the forelock,
And if she scapes my grasp, the fault is mine;
He that hath buffetted with stern adversity,
Best knows to shape his course to favouring breezes.

Old Play.

Our travellers reached Edinburgh without any farther adventure, and the Master of Ravenswood, as had been previously settled, took up his abode with his noble friend.

In the mean time, the political crisis which had been expected, took place, and the Tory party obtained, in the Scottish councils of Queen Anne, a short-lived ascendency, of which it is not our business to trace either the cause or consequences. Suffice it to say, that it affected the different political parties according to the na-