Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 2 - 1819.djvu/35

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man dining on plate of silver, that was fain to eat his crowdy without a bicker; and many a high head has been brought full low among us in as short a space. Scott of Scotstarvet's 'Staggering State of Scots Statesmen,' of which curious memoir you shewed me a manuscript, has been outstaggered in our time."

The Lord Keeper answered with a deep sigh, "that these mutations were no new sights in Scotland, and had been witnessed long before the time of the satirical author he had quoted. It was many a long year," he said, "since Fordun had quoted, as an ancient proverb, 'neque dives, neque fortis, sed nec sapiens Scotus, prædominante invidia, diu durabit in terra.'"

"And be assured, my esteemed friend," was the answer, "that even your long services to the state, or deep legal knowledge, will not save you, or render your estate stable, if the Marquis of A—— comes in with a parliament according to his will.