Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 2 - 1819.djvu/84

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that you will not allow me to visit—how's this?—and you look as pale as death besides."

"O, sir," repeated Caleb again, "you would but laugh if I tauld it; but Thomas the Rhymer, whose tongue couldna be fause, spoke the word of your house that will e'en prove ower true if you go to Ravenswood this day—O that it should e'er have been fulfilled in my time!"

"And what is it, Caleb?" said Ravenswood, wishing to sooth the fears of his old servant.

Caleb replied, "he had never repeated the lines to living mortal—they were told to him by an auld priest that had been confessor to Lord Allan's father when the family were catholic. But mony a time," he said, "I hae soughed thae dark words ower to mysell, and, well-a-day! little did I think of their coming round this day."

"Truce with your nonsense, and let me hear the doggrel which has put it into your head," said the Master impatiently.