Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 4 - 1819.djvu/103

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His first enquiry was, how the stranger had come among them?

"For," said he, "the creak of these rusty bars would have been heard had the door been made patent; and if you passed through the key-hole, truly, sir, put what face you will on it, you are not fit to be enrolled in a regiment of living men."

"I reserve my secret," answered the stranger, "until you shall merit the discovery by communicating to me some of yours. It may be that I shall be moved to let you out where I myself came in."

"It cannot be through the key-hole then," said Captain Dalgetty, "for my corslet would stick in the passage were it possible that my head-piece could get through. As for secrets, I have none of my own, and but few appertaining to others. But impart to us what secrets you desire to know; or, as Professor Snufflegreek used to say at the Mareschal College, Aberdeen, speak that I may know thee."

"It is not with you I have first to do,"