Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 4 - 1819.djvu/127

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gence and booty," said the veteran, as he pouched the spoils, "each honourable cavalier should look to the one on his general's behalf, and the other on his own. This sword is an Andrew Ferrara, and the pistols better than mine own. But a fair exchange is no robbery. Soldados are not to be endangered, and endangered gratuitously, my Lord of Argyle.—But soft, soft, Ranald; wise Man of the Mist, whither art thou bound?"

It was indeed full time to stop MacEagh's proceedings; for, not finding the private passage readily, and impatient, it would seem, of farther delay, he had caught down a sword and target, and was about to enter the great gallery, with the purpose, doubtless, of fighting his way through all opposition.

"Hold, while you live," whispered Dalgetty, laying hold on him, "We must not be perdue if possible. So bar we this door, that it may be thought M'Callum