Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 4 - 1819.djvu/149

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best of it.—Only, as I do not understand the scope and range of such old-fashioned artillery, you must make the best disposition you can out of your own head; for my taking the command, whilk I would have gladly done had you been to fight with any christian weapons, is out of the question when you are to combat like quivered Numidians. I will, however, play my part with my pistols in the approaching mellay, in respect my carabine unhappily remains at Gustavus's saddle.—My service and thanks to you," he continued, addressing a mountaineer who offered him a bow; "Dugald Dalgetty may say of himself, as he learned at Mareschal College,

Non eget Mauri jaculis, neque arcu,
Nec venenatis gravida sagittis
Fusce, pharetra;

whilk is to say——"

Ranald MacEagh a second time imposed silence on the talkative commander as before, by pulling his sleeve, and pointing