Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 4 - 1819.djvu/17

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mentioned the celebrated settlement of the Fife undertakers, as they were called, in the Lewis, as part of a deliberate plan, formed to introduce strangers among the Celtic tribes, to destroy by degrees their ancient customs and mode of government, and to despoil them of the inheritance of their fathers. And yet," he continued, addressing Allan, "it is for the purpose of giving despotic authority to the monarch by whom these designs have been nursed, that so many Highland chiefs are upon the point of quarrelling with, and drawing the sword against their neighbours, allies, and ancient confederates."

"It is to my brother," said Allan, "it is to the eldest son of my father's house that the Knight of Ardenvohr must address these remonstrances. I am, indeed, the brother of Angus; but in being so, I am only the first of his clansmen, and bound to shew an example to the others by my chearful and ready obedience to his commands."