Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series - 1819.djvu/103

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the occasion. The marriage ceremony was performed, according to the rites of the presbyterian persuasion, to which Bucklaw of late had judged it proper to conform.

On the outside of the church, a liberal dole was distributed to the poor of the neighbouring parishes, under the direction of Johnny Mortheuch, who had lately been promoted from his desolate quarters at the Hermitage, to fill the more eligible situation of sexton at the parish-church of Ravenswood. Dame Gourlay, with two of her contemporaries, the same who assisted at Alice's late-wake, seated apart upon a flat monument, or through-stane, sate enviously comparing the shares which had been allotted to them in dividing the dole.

"Johnny Mortheuch," said Annie Winnie, "might hae minded auld lang syne, and thought of his auld kimmers, for as braw as he is with his new black coat, I hae gotten but five herring instead o' sax,