Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series - 1819.djvu/212

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Once on a time, no matter when,
Some Glunimies met in a glen;
As deft and tight as ever wore
A durk, a targe, and a claymore,
Short hose, and belted plaid or trews.
In Uist, Lochaber, Skye, or Lewes,
Or cover'd hard head with s bonnet;
Had yon but known them you would own it.


A hill was now before the travellers, covered with an ancient forest of Scottish firs, the topmost of which, flinging their scathed branches across the western horizon, gleamed ruddy in the setting sun. In the centre of this wood rose the towers, or rather the chimneys, of the house, or castle, as it was called, destined for the end of their journey.

As usual at that period, one or two high-ridged narrow buildings, intersecting and