Page:Scott Nearing - Stopping a War (1926).pdf/16

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"M. Jacques Duboin.—France to the French, M. Doriot.

"Doriot.—Yes, France to the French, and not to American eapitalists—Morgan and the others, (Applause on the extreme left.)"

8. International Complications

Doriot then pointed out the danger of a world war arising out of the struggle for North Africa. Italy was anxious. Spain was uneasy.

"Britain also is not welcoming your military activity with enthusiasm, When the English feel that the southern shore of the Strait of Gibraltar might fall into our hands, they will become anxious. What will you give them for their silence? …

"Do not forget also that by your action you are angering the whole Moslem world. … Even as far as India a great movement to help the Riffians financially has been organized. In trying to increase your prestige in a little corner of Morocco you have shown your true face as the oppressors of 20 millions of Moslems, and raised the other Moslems against you. (Applause from the extreme left. Lively manifestations on many sides).

"The President.—These words are not admissible. France has never oppressed any people. (Loud applause.)

"M. Franklin-Bouillon.—This is abominable language.

"M. Barthelemy Robaglia.—You strike the French soldiers in the back.

"M. Franklin-Bouillon.—It is a shame!

"Numerous voices.—To the door!

"From the extreme left.—Down with war!

"Renaud Jean.—Those who carry on colonial expeditions are the assassins. (Applause from the extreme left. Protests from the other benches.)

"From various sides.—Censure him! Censure him!

"The President.—I have already protested, as was my duty, against the words which M. Doriot has spoken. …

"Doriot.—You have spoken of the soldiers from our colonies who died for France during the war. We also have the right to speak of them, These soldiers came from distant places to fight for a cause which was not their own! (Applause from the extreme left. Lively protests from other benches.) …