Page:Scouting for girls, adapted from Girl guiding.djvu/101

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2. Alternate foot stretch. Foot stretch is done by raising the heel, bending the knee, the toes and ball of foot remaining on floor. Count "one," "two," one count for each foot.

3. Alternate foot stretch, at same time bending the knee, of weight bearing leg, count as in ex. 2. Keep body straight, hips steady.

4. Double knee bend (bend both knees, raising heels, keeping back straight). The knees should bend straight forward over the feet. Count "one" on bend, "two" on return.

5. Alternate backward kick, bending at knee only, counting as in ex. 2.

6. Same as exercise 5 in double quick time. (This is running in place.)

7. Alternate front high knee bend, raising foot from floor. Count as in ex. 2. Keep body straight.

8. Same as exercise 7, in double quick time.

9. Deep double knee bend, raising heels from floor, bringing arms from downward to side stretch with the bend. (This helps to keep balance.)

10. Arms upward stretch, body bent front, hands touching floor.

V. From Lying Position

1. Legs alternately upward stretch, making right angle with the body.

2. Same exercise both legs together.

3. Same as exercise 2, letting feet go back over head.