Page:Scouting for girls, adapted from Girl guiding.djvu/152

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to bleed a man to the extent of five or six cupfuls of blood, and the patient feels all the better for it.



In addition to the exercises for your body which are given earlier in this book you should understand what they do for you and why you are advised to practise them. It is not for my amusement! It is for your own health and happiness. And here are a few more tips that will help you to be healthy, and possible wealthy, and certainly wise—if you carry them out.

Exercises and Their Object

To make yourself strong and healthy it is necessary to begin with your inside and to get the blood into good order and the heart to work well; that is the secret of the whole thing, physical exercises should be taken with that intention. This is the way to do it:—

(a) Make the heart strong in order to pump the blood properly to every part of the body, and so to build up flesh, bone, and muscle. Exercise: "Swimming" and "Wrist Pushing."

(b) Make the lungs strong in order to provide the blood with fresh air. Exercise: "Deep breathing."

(c) Make the skin perspire to get rid of the dirt from the blood. Exercise: Bath, or rub with a damp towel every day.

(d) Make the stomach work to feed the blood. Exercise: "Body bending."