Page:Scouting for girls, adapted from Girl guiding.djvu/157

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who are to receive the badge. If there is more than one in a patrol, call all those in the same patrol together with their patrol leader, but go through the form with each individual girl.

Captain: "—————— (name of girl), do you now pledge yourself to renew your Scout promise, and to fulfill the Scout Law?"

Scout: "On my honor, I now pledge myself to renew the Scout promise and to fulfill the Scout law."

Captain: "Invest."

The Scout comes forward and stands at salute while the Captain pins on her sleeve (where it is afterwards to be sewed) the Second Class badge.

Then the Scout salutes and is saluted by the rest of the troop, and returns to her place.

Measurement of the Girl

It is of paramount importance to teach the young citizen to assume responsibility for her own development and health.

Physical drill is all very well as a disciplinary means of development, but it does not give the girl any responsibility in the matter.

It is therefore deemed preferable to tell each girl, according to her age, what ought to be her height, weight, and various measurements (such as chest, waist, arm, leg, etc.). She is then measured and learns in which points she fails to come up to the standard. She can then be shown which exercises to practise for herself in order to develop those particular points. Encouragement must