Page:Scouting for girls, adapted from Girl guiding.djvu/214

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For a Scout who does her duty exceptionally well, though without grave risks to herself.

Thanks Badge.—It is the privilege of any Scout, of whatever rank, to present this Badge of Thanks to any one who does a Scout a good turn. It entitles the wearer to make use of the services of any Scout at any time, but does not constitute membership.

Hockey a Fine Game

I should like to see everything that calls itself a girl playing it. Yet there are thousands and thousands of girls who have never yet even seen it played—much less played it themselves.

I should like all of them to play it, not only once but regularly, and this is why.

Because it gives them health and strength through active exertion in the open air; it gives them a jolly time and lots of excitement, happiness, and laughter; it makes them quick with eye, hand, and foot; it makes them all good pals together; it teaches them to take hard knocks without winking such as at other times would make them faint or swear.

It teaches them to play unselfishly and to pass the ball on. It gives them pluck, it gives them hope, for even when things look bad there is often the possibility of winning by an extra effort. They learn to stick to rules and to obey orders, to play fair and to stop sneaking, underhand play.

In a word, they learn to play the game for their side and not for themselves.