Page:Scriptural Basis of Christian Unity.pdf/20

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loyal to apostolic teaching, no factions in the congregations, no parties in the church at the congregations, no parties in the church at large.

An organized Christian union will enslave and curse now, as it always has done.

This fact may as well be faced courageously and admitted. Denominationalism must pass before the unity of which Jesus prayed can come. It is the one thing above all others preventing such unity. In view of this fact, it is passing strange that many of our own people, with a passion for unity burning as a holy flame in their hearts, should be so friendly to denominationalism.

It is as impossible to serve two conflicting ideals as to serve two masters. The individual Christian in the denomination can not be made to see his error, or rescued from it, by cooperating with the organization we condemn.

Our task, as I see it, is to summon every disciple of Christ on whose heart rests the burden of Christian unity, to do as we have done already, abandon denominationalism, and become simply Christian.

Denominationalism will automatically pass when its adherents forsake it. This does not mean that we should assume an "I am holier than thou" attitude toward the Christian world. It does demand that we issue a clarion call to all who honestly desire to see denominationalism die, to unite with us in our program of restoring the lost unity of the church by restoring New Testament Christianity. We are worse than wasting time in flirting with denominations, as such. Naturally, leadership in any party will go into the hands of those who most ardently love it and work for it. These leaders will