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Published by JAMES MILLER, 647 Broadway. Paley's Evidences of Christianity, With Annotations by Richard Whately, D. D., Archbishop of Dublin. 1 vol., octavo, cloth, . - - - $2.50 The Publisher foels great pleapure in callina; the attention of the relij^ioup and thinking portion of the commnuitj' to his very hancli<ome edition of this work of the celebrarud Pai.kv, a man remarkable for vigor and clearness of intellect, and oriiiinality ot character, and ac- knowledged by all to be the greatest among the divines of his age. and without a superior since the days of the early fathers of the Protestant Church. To add to the value of that which is intrinsically valuable in itself, the volume now presented to the American Public is enriched with '•Annotations" by the celebrated Dr. Whately, Archbishop of Dub- lin, than whom there is no clearer thinker or more powerful writer in the Protestant Hierarchy of our day. The Artist's Married Life ; Being that of Albert Durer. Translated from the German of Leopold Schefer by Mrs. J. R. Stoddart. Revised edition, with a Memoir, Bevelled cloth, $1.25 Reminiscences of the Best Hours of Life for the Hour of Death. From the German of Richter. Cloth, .40 Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. By S. T. Coleridge. 1 vol., - - - ,50 Sartor Resartus, By T. Carlyle. 12mo, - - - - $L00 Student Life : Letters and Recollections for a Young Friend. By Rev. Dr. Samuel Osgood. Cloth, - $1.25 Offering of Sympathy to the Afflicted, Especially to Bereaved Parents. By Francis Parkman, D. D. a new edition. Revised, with additions, by F. A. Farley, D. D. Antique cloth, red edges, ... $1.25