Page:Select historical documents of the Middle Ages.djvu/367

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the flesh, how much more zealously should one love and nourish one's spiritual brother? And if any of them fall into sickness, the other brothers ought to serve him, as- they would wish themselves to be served.

7. But if any of the brothers at the instigation of the enemy shall mortally sin : for those sins concerning which it has been ordained among the brothers that recourse must be had to the provincial ministers, the aforesaid brothers shall be bound to have recourse to them, as quickly as they can, without delay. But those ministers, if they are priests, shall with mercy enjoin j^enance upon them. But if they are not priests, they shall cause it to be enjoined upon them through others, priests of the order ; according as it seems to them to be most expedient in the sight of God. And they ought to be on their guard lest they grow angry and be disturbed on account of the sin of any one ; for wrath and indignation impede love in themselves and in others.

8. All the brothers shall be bound always to have one of the brothers of that order as general minister and servant of the whole fraternity, and shall be firmly bound to obey him. When he dies, the election of a successor shall be made by the provincial ministers and guardians, in the chapter held at Pentecost: in which the provincial minis- ters are bound always to come together in whatever place shall be designated by the general minister. And this, once in three years ; or at another greater or lesser inter- val, according as shall be ordained by the aforesaid minis- ter. And if, at any time, it shall be apparent to the whole body of the provincial ministers and guardians that the aforesaid minister does not sufiice for the service and common utility of the brothers: the aforesaid! brothers to whom the right of election has been given shall be bound, in the name of God, to elect another as their guardian. But after the chapter held at Pentecost the ministers and the guardians can, if they wish it and it seems expedient for them, in that same year call together, once, their brothers, in their districts, to a chapter.

9. The brothers may not preach in the bishopric of any bishop if they have been forbidden to by him. And no one of the brothers shall dare to preach at all to the