Page:Select historical documents of the Middle Ages.djvu/516

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i6 yln Alphabetical List of Books MARTINEAUS (Harriet) His- tory of England, from 1800- 1815. History of the Thirty Years' Peace, a.d. 1815-46. 4 vols. 3 J. 6d. each. See Conile'i Positive Philosophy^ MATTHEW PARIS' S English History, from the Year 1235 to 1273. Translated by Rev. J. A. Giles, D.C.L. 3 vols. 5^. each. MATTHEW OP WESTMIN- STER'S Flowers of History, from the beginning of the World to A.D. 1307. Translated by C. D. Yonge, M.A. 2 vols. 55. each. MAXWELL'S Victories of Wel- ington and the British Armies. Frontispiece and 5 Portraits. 55. MENZEL'S History of Germany, from the Earliest Period to 1842. 3 vols. 30. (>d. each. MICHAEL ANGELO AND RAPHAEL, their Lives and Works. By Duppa aud Quatre- mere de Quincy. With Portraits, and Engravings on Steel. 5-^* MICHELET'S Luther's Auto- biography. Trans, by William HazHtt. With an Appendix (no pages) of Notes. 35. hd. History of the French Revo- lution from its earliest indications to the flight of the King in 1791. 3.;. bd. MIGNETS History of theFrench Revolution, from 1789 to 1S14. 3^. bd. MILL (J. S.). Early Essays by John Stuart Mill. Collected from various sources by J. W, M. Gibbs. 3.. 6rf. MILLER (Professor). History Philosophically Illustrdted,from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. 4 vols. 3^. (yd. each. MILTON'S Prose Works. Edited by J. A. St. John. 5 vols. 35. bd. each. Poetical Works, with a Me- moir and Critical Remarks by James Montgomery, an Index to Paradise Lost, Todd's Verballndex to all the Poems, and a Selection of Explanatory Notes by Henry G. Bohn. Illustrated with 120 Wood Engravings from Drawings by W. Harvey. 2 vols. 3J. M. each. MITPORD'S (Miss) Our Village Sketches of Rural Character and Scenery. With 2 Engravings on Steel. 2 vols. 3J-. 6a. each. MOLIERE'S Dramatic Works. A new Translation in English Prose, by C. H. Wall. 3 vols. 3J. dd. each. MONTAGU. The Letters and Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Edited by her great- grandson. Lord Miarncliffe's Edi- tion, and revised by W. Moy Thomas. New Edition, revised, with 5 Portraits. 2 vols. 55. each. MONTAIGNE'S Essays. Cotton's Translation, revised by W. C. Hazlitt. New Edition. 3 vols. 31. bd. each. MONTESQUIEU'S Spirit o! Laws. New Edition, re'ised and corrected. By J. V. Pritchard, A.M. 2 vols. 3^-. bd. each. MOTLEY (J. L.). The Rise of the Dutch Republic. A History. By John Lothrop Motley. New Edition, with Biographical Intro- duction by Moncure D. Conway. 3 vols. 3j. 6a'. each. MORPHY'S Games of Chess. Being the Matches and best Games played by theAmerican Champion, with Explanator}' and Analytical Notes by J. Lbwenthal. 5^.