Page:Select historical documents of the Middle Ages.djvu/519

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Contained in Bohiis Libraries. 19 PLUTARCH'S Lives. Translated by A. Stewart, M. A. , ar.d George Long, M.A. 4 vols. 3^. dd. each. Morals. Theosophical Essays. Translated by C. W. King, M.A. Morala. Ethical Essays. Translated by the Rev. A. R. Shilleto, M.A. 5^. POETRY OF AMERICA. Se- lections from One Hundred American Poets, from 1776 to 1876. By W. J. Linton. 35. dd. POLITICAL CYCLOP-SDIA. A Dictionary of Political, Con- stitutional, Statistical, and Fo- rensic Knowledge ; forming a Work of Reference on subjects of Civil Administration, Political Economy, Finance, Commerce, Laws, and Social Relations. 4 vols. 3^. 6<f. each. POPE'S Poetical Works. Edited, wiih copious Notes, by Robert Carrutbers. With numerous Illus- trations. 2 vols. 5^. each. Homer's Hiad. Edited by the Rev. J. S. Watson, M.A. Illustrated by the entire Series of Flaxman's Designs. 55. Homer's Odyssey, with the Battle of Frogs and Mice, Hymns, &c., by other translators. Edited by the Rev. J. S. Watson, M.A. With the entire Series of Flax- man's Designs. 5f. . Life, including many of his Letters. By Robert Carruthers. With numerous Illustrations. 5^. POTTSHKIN'S Prose Tales: The Captain's Daughter — Doubrovsky — The Queen of Spades — An Amateur Peasant Girl— The Shot —The Snow Storm— The Post- master — The Coffin Maker — Kirdjali— The Egyptian Nights- Peter the Great's Negro. Trans- lated by T. Keane. 3;. fid. PRBSGOTT'S Conquest of Mexico. Copyright edition, with the notes by John Foster Kirk, and an introduction by G. P. Winship. 3 vols. 3^. bd. each. Conquest of Peru. Copyright edition, with the notes of John Foster Kirk. 2 vols. y. 6d. each. Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. Copyright edition, with the notes of John Foster Kirk. 3 vols. 3^. 6d. each. PROPERTIUS. Translated by Rev. P. J. F. Gantillon, M.A., and accompanied by Poetical Versions, from various sources. 3J-. 6d. PROVERBS, Handbook of. Con- taining an entire Republication of Ray's Collection of English Proverbs, with his additions from Foreign Languages and a com- plete Alphabetical Index ; in which are introduced large additions as well of Proverbs as of Sayings, Sentences, Maxims, and Phrases, collected by H. G. Bohn. 5^. PROVERBS, A Polyglot of Foreign. Comprising French, Italian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and Danish. With English Translations & a General Index by PI. G. Bohn. ^s. POTTERY AND PORCELAIN, and other Objects of Vertu. Com- prising an Illustrated Catalogue of the Bernal Collection of Works of Art, with the prices at which they were sold by auction, and names of the possessors. To which are added, an Introductory Lecture on Pottery and Porcelain, and an Engraved List of all the known Marks and Monograms. By Henry G. Bohn. With numerous Wood Engravings, i,s. ; or with Coloured Illustrations, los. 6d. PROUT'S (Father) Eellques. Col- lected and arranged by Rev. F. Mahony. New issue, with 21 Etchings by D. Maclise, R.A. Nearly 600 pages. 5^.