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THE CHISWICK SHAKESPEARE Illustrated by BYAM SHAW. With Introductions and Glossaries by JOHN DENNIS. Printed at the Chiswick Press, pott 8vo., price s. 6.2. net per volume also a cheaper edition, is. net per volume ; or 2s. net in limp leather ; Is a few copies, on Japanese vellum, to be sold only in sets, price ^s. net per volume. JVozv Complete in 39 Vohtmes. ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST. WELL. MACBETPI. ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. MEASURE FOR MEASURE. AS YOU LIKE IT. MERCHANT OF VENICE. COMEDY OF ERRORS. MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. CORIOLANUS. MIDSUMMER-NIGHT'S DREAM. CYMBELINE. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. HAMLET. OTHELLO, JULIUS C^SAR. PERICLES. KING HENRY IV. Part I. ROMEO AND JULIET. KING HENRY IV. Part II. THE TAMING OF THE SHREW. KING HENRY V. THE TEMPEST. KING HENRY VI. Part I. TIMON OF ATHENS. KING HENRY VI. Part II. TITUS ANDRONICUS. KING HENRY VL Part HI. TROILUS AND CRESSIDA. KING HENRY VIIL TWELFTH NIGHT. KING JOHN. TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. KING LEAR. WINTER'S TALE. KING RICHARD IL POEMS. KING RICHARD III. SONNETS. • A fascinating little edition.' — Notes a)ul Queries. 'A cheap, very comely, and altogether desirable edition.' — IVesimtKster Gazette. But a few years ago such volumes would have been deemed worthy to be considered editions de luxe. To-day, the low price at which they are offered to the public alone prevents them being so regarded.' — Studio. ' Handy in shape and size, wonderfully cheap, beautifully printed from the Cam- bridge text, and illustrated quaintly yet admirably by Mr. Byam Shav/, we have nothing but praise for it. No one who wants a good and convenient Shakespeare — without excursuses, discursuses, or even too many notes — can do better, in our opinion, than subscribe to this issue : which is saying a good deal in these days of cheap reprints.' — Vanity Fair, 'What we like about these elegant booklets is the attention that has been paid to the paper, as well as to the print and decoration ; such stout laid paper will last for ages. On this account alone, the 'Chiswick' should easily be first among pocket Shake- speares.' — Pall Mall Gazette,