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BELL'S CATHEDRAL SERIES. Profusely Illustrated^ cloth, crown Svo. is. 6d. net each. ENGLISH CATHEDRALS. An Itinerarj' and Description. Compiled by James G. Gilchrist, A.M , M.D. Revised and edited with an Introduction on Cathedral Architecture by the Rev. T. Perkins, M.A., F.R.A.S. BRISTOL. By H. J. L. J. Masse, M.A. CANTERBURY. By Hartley Withers, sth Edition. CARLISLE. By C. King Eley. CHESTER. By Charles Hiatt. 2nd Edition, revised. CHICHESTER. By H. C. Corlette, A.R.I. B.A. DURHAM. By J. E. Bygate, A.R.C.A. 2nd Edition, revised. ELY. By Rev. W. D. Sweeting. M.A. EXETER. By Percy Addleshaw, B.A. 2nd Edition, revised. GLOUCESTER. By H. J. L. J. Mass6, M.A. 2nd Edition. HEREFORD. By A. Hugh Fisher, A.R.E. 2nd Edition, revised. LICHFIELD. By A. B. Clifton. 2nd Edition. LINCOLN. By A. F. Kendrick, B.A. 3rd Edition. MANCHESTER. By Rev. T. Perkins, M.A. NORWICH. By C. H. B. Quennell. 2nd Edition. OXFORD. By Rev. Percy Dearmer, M.A. 2nd Edition, revised. PETERBOROUGH. By Rev. W. D. Sweeting. 2nd Edition, revised. RIPON. By Cecil Hallett, B.A. ROCHESTER. By G. H. Palmer, B.A. 2nd Edition, revised. ST. ALBANS. By Rev. T. Perkins, M.A. ST. ASAPH. By P. B. Ironside Bax. ST. DAVID'S. By Philip Robson, A.R.I.B.A. ST. PATRICK'S, DUBLIN. By Rev. J. H. Bernard, M.A., D.D. ST. PAUL'S. By Rev. Arthur Diriock, M.A. 3rd Edition, revised. SALISBIFRY. By Gleeson White. 3rd Edition, revised. SOUTHWELL. By Rev. Arthur Dimock, M.A. 2nd Edition, revised. WELLS. By Rev. Percy Dearmer, M.A. 3rd Edition. WINCHESTER. By P. W. Sergeant. 2nd Edition, revised. WORCESTER. By E. F. Strange. 2nd Edition. YORK. By A. Clutton-Brock, M.A. 3rd Edition. Uniform with above Series. Now ready. li-. dd. net each. ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH, CANTERBURY. By the Rev. Canon Routledge, M.A., F.S.A. BEVERLEY MINSTER. By Charles Hiatt. WIMBORNE MINSTER and CHRISTCHURCH PRIORY. By the Rev. T. Perkins, M.A. „ „ , ■, t ^.^ j^ .«■ «  TEWKESBURY ABBEY AND DEERHURST PRIORY. ByH. J. L. J. MassS, M.A. BATH ABBEY, MALMESBURY ABBEY, and BRADFORD-ON-AVON CHURCH. By Rev. T. Perkins, M.A. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. By Charles Hiatt. STRATFORD-ON-.WON CHURCH. By Harold Baker. BELL'S HANDBOOKS TO CONTINENTAL CHURCHES, Profusely Illustrated. Crowti Svo, cloth, zs. 6d. net each. AMIENS. By the Rev. T. Perkins, M.A. EAYEUX. By the Rev. R. S. Mylne. CHARTRES : The Cathedral and Other Churches. By H. J. L. J. Mass6, M.A. MONT ST. MICHEL. By H. J. L. J. Mass6, M.A. PARIS (NOTRE-DAME). By Charles Hiatt. ROUEN : The Cathedral and Other Churches. By the Rev. T. Perkins, M.A.