Page:Select portions of Psalms and hymns.pdf/11

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and assist the people in that delightful part of their common worship; and how much of influence and sympathy is lost by their remaining silent can be conceived by none but those who have witnessed the effect of a whole congregation, with united voice, praising and glorifying God. Indeed a return to the ancient and excellent practice of CONGREGATIONAL SINGING would be calculated probably more than any other measure to improve our Psalmody in the respects alluded to, and at the same time might prove effectual to quicken our attention and elevate our thoughts, leaving, (as is sometimes the case, even under its present defective performance) such deep impressions upon the heart of the goodness, the mercy, and the excellent Majesty of God, and of the salvation wrought by his Son Jesus Christ, as would tend greatly, to produce and keep alive in us an habitual cheerfulness of temper, holy dispositions, and devout affections.

The Editor has only further to state,