Page:Selected Czech tales - 1925.djvu/102

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The old woman was always on the roads, and often heard the latest news. She could easily ascertain through the smugglers whether Vendulka had gone into Germany. For the moment Lukas suppressed every other feeling but the anxiety for Vendulka’s safe return to her father and her usual with all speed.

He knew that old Martinka returned regularly before sunrise from her nightly raids. Dawn was approaching, and he started without delay to find her on her return.

He arrived at ‘the firs,’ but deep silence reigned at the homestead. He looked through the windows; the room was empty. The carrier then was still abroad. But she would not be long, for she did not like to be seen by day with her load in the woods. She surely must be back in a few minutes; the sky was flushed with red, and the sun was just about to rise over the ridge of the mountains.

Lukas leant against the fence and waited.

There she was, he could see her among the trees; that was her woollen shawl. But she was not alone, another woman was with probably an assistant.

He was just on the point of hiding behind the firs, to wait for the departure of the un-