Page:Selected Czech tales - 1925.djvu/30

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time; it was obvious that he did not quite know how to extricate himself.

At last he decided for a straight course, reflecting that that always leads you furthest, and besides it would not be seemly for him to prevaricate.

‘Well then, if I as a Christian am to tell you God’s truth then . . .

‘What then?’

‘Then I tell you that as a father I would give you my daughter willingly, and do not know any one whom I would rather have as a son-in-law. But all the same I do not advise this marriage either for her sake or for yours.’

Old Paloucky wiped away the beads of perspiration that stood on his forehead. How importunate this fellow Lukas was! But perhaps it was as well that he had been so pressing, for it had given Paloucky an opportunity of saying what had been a load on his conscience ever since his daughter had told him of Lukas’s intentions. Otherwise he might not have dared to come out with it. Now it was over. But it had cost him a good deal of perspiration.

Lukas and his brother-in-law were speechless with astonishment when they heard these words, and silence had also struck the