Page:Selected Czech tales - 1925.djvu/36

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want to listen to me now. Don’t come to me with your quarrels; my door will be closed against you. Now you know!’

Old Paloucky had spoken the latter part of his admonition with so much emphasis, that the bystanders realized he meant it very seriously. It rarely happened that his great conscientiousness would allow him to commit himself to a definite statement. As a rule he gave the impression that on further reflection he might come to still better conclusions. But when he spoke like this, every neighbour knew only too well that nothing on earth would move him to a change of opinion.

He was mistaken in his fear of a fresh outburst of fury on the part of the bridegroom. Lukas only laughed heartily, and the others joined in his merriment. Every one thought that this was the Moper’s usual way of hitting the nail on the head.

‘If you like, uncle, I will give you a written statement that you are exempt from knowing either me or your daughter if we should fall out ever so little,’ he proposed to his future father-in-law in the highest of spirits.

Nothing could have seemed more ridiculous to him than the idea that he could quarrel with Vendulka, with his Vendulka! For her