Page:Selected Czech tales - 1925.djvu/74

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Vendulka had made a decision, it was once and for all.

Martinka was the sister of Vendulka’s mother, after whose death the child had come to her for comfort, and remained with her for several years. Vendulka did not care to live at home, partly from grief for her mother, partly because she did not like living with her father, who forbade all loud and cheerful noises in his presence. She therefore was almost one of the family, and Martinka talked over her affairs with her as with her own daughters; these would even reproach their mother with caring more for her than for them.

Lukas knew well how dear old Martinka held her little Vendulka, and that their affection was mutual. He therefore had chosen her to announce him as her suitor, knowing that his offer would be all the more graciously received if it came through her.

Vendulka was right in saying that hardly one in a hundred women had the necessary gifts for the smuggling trade.

Martinka herself had only gradually acquired her skill, and it had taken a long time before she got accustomed to turn day into night, and to creep along lonely passes and byways in the dark, endure the hardships of winter, and