Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/166

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On Earning and Seeking What is Lawful

It is related from Al Miqdám bin Maʿdíkarib that, 'The Apostle of God said, "No one can ever eat better food than that he eat of the work of his own hands. Verily God's Prophet, David, used to eat of the work of his hands."'—Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Abú Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God said, "A time will come to man when a person will not care whether what he takes be lawful or unlawful."'—Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Abú Juḥaifah that, 'The Prophet forbade the price of blood and the price of a dog and the hire of an adulteress. And he cursed the taker of interest and the giver of it, and the woman who tattoes the skin and the woman who is tattoed, and the painter.'—Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Jábir that in the year of the conquest of Mecca, when the Prophet was in Mecca, he heard him say, 'Verily God and His Apostle have made unlawful the selling of wine, and that which dies of itself and swine and idols.' Then it was said, 'O Apostle of God, inform us with regard to the fat of what dies of itself, for verily boats are smeared with it and leather is greased with it, and men light their lamps by it.' He replied, 'No! it is unlawful.' Then he said at that time, 'May God destroy the Jews! Verily when God made unlawful their fat they congealed it and afterwards sold it and ate its price.'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Anas that, 'The Apostle of God cursed ten people in connexion with wine: the one who presses it out of the grapes for others, the one who presses it out for himself, the one who drinks it, the one who carries it, the one to whom it is carried, the one who serves it, the one who sells it, the one who takes its price, the one who buys it, and the one for whom it is bought.'—At Tirmidhí, Ibn Májah.

It is related from Abú Umámah that, 'The Apostle of God said, "Do not sell singing slave-girls, nor buy them, and do not