Page:Semiramis and other plays (IA semiramisotherpl00darg).djvu/108

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Asef. What is she like? Ig. Like nothing but herself. She is not gentle, for gentleness is but Rude servant to that quality in her; Gracious she's not, for grace herself doth serve A poor handmaiden to her excellence; Nor beautiful, for Beauty asks her name To wear but that and know her own no more. (In the silence that follows a rider rushes up and dismounts) Messenger. Where is the general, Trevino? Trev. Here. Mess. Juarez approaches. (Saluting) Trev. Juarez! Call up the camp! Light all the beacons! Juarez! Build up the fires! Shouts. Juarez! Juarez! Hurrah! El presidente! Trev. We'll let him know the hearts he left i' the hills Still beat with loyal blood! Shouts. Juarez! Juarez! (Enter Juarez. Silence) Jua. Trevino! Trev. Your Excellency! (They embrace) You've heard? Jua. I know. Now monarchy has spread her gilded sails, And from the East comes like another sun To blind our eyes with wonder of a crown While shackling us by hand and foot to earth. But from these mountains will arise a queen, The figure grey of ancient Liberty, Mourning and wronged, but with the unpalling[errata 1] star Of God's own favor set upon her brow: These two shall meet—and that mock sun go down! Trev. You still have hope when Mexico deserts us?

Jua. Dost read your country in the smile she shows

  1. Correction: unpalling should be amended to unpaling