Page:Semiramis and other plays (IA semiramisotherpl00darg).djvu/192

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THE POET ACT I. Scene : Room in the Truelord House. Helen lies ona couch before large windows, rear, reading by light from a small lamp on table near couch. She wears a loose robe over night-dress. A light knock is heard at door, left centre. Hel. (Sitting up) Mamma ? Voice. Yes, dear. Hel. (Kissing book and closing it) Good-bye, my poet! (Drops book on couch and goes to door) Voice, as Helen opens door. I saw your light. (Enter Mrs. Truelord) Forgive me, love. (Helen is closing door) No! Kate is coming. Mrs. Delormis. (In door) Yes, I'm here, too, Helen. Hel. Come in, Cousin Catherine. (All three advance) Mrs. Del. Madela had a feminine version of the jim- jams-tea-nerves, you know-so must get us both up. I could not rest.