Page:Semiramis and other plays (IA semiramisotherpl00darg).djvu/92

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CARLOTTA ACT I. Scene I: Reception hall, castle of Miramar, near Trieste. Enter Count Charles, book in hand. Char. Ah, books must be put by for swords, I wot, When this wild journey to the West begins. "Tis change enough! O shifting, shuffling life! Come, Shakespeare, magic mason, build me worlds That never shake however winds may blow, Founded on dream imperishable! (Sits and reads. Enter Lady Maria) Mar. Charles! Not reading ! Dost know what day it is ? Char. Ay, sister! A day to make a scholar tremble, and hug His books in fever of farewell. Mar. Didst see The splendid carriages glittering up the drive?