Page:Separate Representation of Voters Act 1951.pdf/4

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Separate Representation of Voters.

Act No. 46 of 1951.

(4) As soon as the European voters’ list comes into force, in terms of sub-section (3), the provisions of the principal Act relating to the registration of non-European voters in the province of the Cape of Good Hope, shall be deemed to refer to the registration of the said voters in the Cape Coloured voters’ list, and shall for that purpose continue to be in force.

Names of non-Europeans in the Cape Province to remain on voters’ lists until the next general election.

5. (1) (a) Until the first general election after the date of commencement of this Act is held for the House of Assembly and until there has been a new Union delimitation, the existing voters’ list shall be the voters’ list for the divisions concerned for the purposes of elections for the House of Assembly; and until the first general election is so held for the provincial council of the province of the Cape of Good Hope and there has been a new Union delimitation, the existing voters’ list shall be the voters’ list for the divisions concerned, for the purpose of elections for the provincial council of the province of the Cape of Good Hope.

(b) Until the European voters’ list comes into force under the provisions of sub-section (3) of section four, the existing voters’ list shall continue to be subject to correction and amendment in terms of sections eighteen, twenty-two and twenty-three of the principal Act, and non-Europeans in the province of the Cape of Good Hope shall continue to be entitled to be registered in such list in accordance with the provisions of section four of the principal Act.

(c) Any corrections or amendments made to the existing voters’ list under the provisions of paragraph (b) shall also be appropriately made in the European voters’ list and in the Cape Coloured voters’ list.

(2) Save as provided in sub-section (1) a general election for the House of Assembly shall have the effect that the existing voters’ list is no longer of force and effect as for the election of members of the House of Assembly, and a general election for the provincial council of the province of the Cape of Good Hope shall have the effect that the said list is no longer of force and effect as for election of members of the said provincial council.

Delimitation of Cape Province into non-European Constituencies.

Division of Cape Province into electoral divisions for the purpose of electing members of the House of Assembly and the provincial council of the Cape of Good Hope and the Board for Coloured Affairs, to represent non-Europeans.

6. (1) As soon as may be after the date of commencement of this Act, the Governor-General shall appoint a Commission consisting of three judges of the Supreme Court to carry out the division of the province of the Cape of Good Hope as hereinafter in this section provided.

(2) The Commission shall divide the province of the Cape of Good Hope—


into four Union electoral divisions;


into two provincial electoral divisions.
(3) (a) The quota of voters for each such division shall be obtained by dividing the number of persons registered