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Forty-sixth Day

What true virtue consists in.—Matt. vii. 21; xxi. 28-32.

JESUS CHRIST has just spoken of trees without fruit; and, of these, one especially bad kind should be noted. This is the Christian who bears the appearance of goodness, whilst in reality he is not good at all. Such a man talks much and does nothing. ' Lord, Lord! ' he says; but he had much better not so often name the Lord, and do what He commands.

There are some people who object to nothing: who will undertake whatever you may suggest to them. Yes, I will do and say what you like; I will pray; I will help in everything:—but when it comes to putting all this into practice, nothing can be got out of them. The Jews were of those who make many professions; and Jesus said to them: — ' The publicans and harlots shall go into the Kingdom of God before you': — by