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eyes an unequal match for the leaſt of the mountains 2. Cn III 5. We are not ſufficient of ourſelves to think any things of ourſelves; but our ſufficiency is of God.' This caſts the Legalist, that minds nothing but binding himſelf to duty, reckoning himſeld man enough for the dutys of Chriſtianity.

The ſum of the Mark is; The Chriſtian communicant is reſolute and peremtory for doing all, yet, onvinced that he is ſufficient for nothing

Uſe 2 Here is likewiſe a ground of comfort to ſuch Let not the high rockineſs, nor bulk of the mountains diſcourage thee, nor yet the feilt unſucceſsfulneſs of they attempts hitherto. God hath ſaid it, Worm Jacob ſhall threſh the mountains and beat them finally be not afraid, only believe.

Uſe 3 Laſtly Here is moreover a ſtrong inducement to all to come to Chriſt. He will make you threſh the mountains, and beat them ſmall.' Come ye that are wandering in the mountains of vanity like to be worried on the mountain of prey, wreſtling in the mountains of difficult before you come to Chriſt and ye ſhall threſh the mountains and beat them ſmall, and ſhall make the hills as chaſt

Thirdly. I ſhall recount to this myſtery Worm Jacob threſhing the mountains of difficulties in his way, and threſhing them away quite and clean: How can this be

I God has ſaid and therefore it cannot fail, 'Thou ſhalt threſh the mountains and beat them ſmall and ſhall make the hills as chaff' Compared with Numb xxiii. 19 'God is not a man that he ſhould lie, neither the ſon of man that he ſhould repent Hath he ſaid and ſhall he not do it? Or (illegible text) he ſpoken, and ſhall he not make it good? He ſpake things into being and they muſt ſtart out of the womb or nothing, or nothing at his word which calls them forth. Rom iv. 17 There is much for Worm Jacob's threſhing and beating away the mountains as there was for making the world and all the mountains in it Pſ l xxxiii. 9 'He ſaid, and it was done; and ſhall not his word that