Page:Sermons on the Ten Commandments.djvu/128

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exceedingly common, and thought comparatively little of, even in the higher circles of society; whereas, in Protestant countries, as in England, Sweden, parts of Germany, and America, adultery is by no means so common, but in its place there is found the sin of whoredom, and what is called the "social evil" extensively prevails. So striking is the correspondence between spiritual and natural things, and so close is their connection. Hence, then, it may be concluded, that the most effective means of removing these evils from the world will be the establishment of a true Church, in which the Lord shall be worshiped in his Divine Humanity, and thus the Church become again his true Bride or Wife; in which also goodness shall be united to truth, by the teaching of true Doctrines, and thus effecting a re-union between faith and charity, between true principles and good works. And when thus the true heavenly marriage is established in men's minds, there will result from it true earthly marriage, and all the evils that are opposite to marriage will be hated and shunned as sins against the Lord.