Page:Sermons on the Ten Commandments.djvu/138

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truth, supported by the Divine Word, or by the Doctrines of the Church thence derived: so shall he feed his flock with wheat and not with chaff, with bread and not with poison.

A parent who instils into the mind of his child bad principles, as, for instance, that it is right to be angry and to take revenge—to fight and return blow for blow—such a parent is eminently guilty of spiritual theft; for he steals out of his child's heart the spirit of love and innocence, and so removes him from heaven, and introduces him into the company of infernal spirits. In like manner, the parent who talks scandal before his children, and thus insinuates into their youthful minds hard and uncharitable thoughts, and excites feelings of bitterness and hate towards others, is in the spiritual sense a robber; and the same, if he sets them a bad example in other ways, and thus leads them into evil practices. So, one who neglects to teach his children right and true principles, but leaves them to grow up just as they may,—is guilty of spiritual theft; for he neglects to discharge a debt which he owes his offspring, and which at their birth he impliedly contracted to pay. Are not many parents guilty of this wrong? Are they sufficiently careful to instruct their children in religious truths, to instil into them right principles, to lead their minds to the contemplation of heavenly things, and to teach them faithfully the truths of the Word and the Divine Commandments? The Sabbath-day, a day of rest from worldly work, is specially given in order to afford leisure for such duties; and the father who spends the day in