Page:Sermons on the Ten Commandments.djvu/167

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fancies he is having his own way, but it is their way he is having; they are urging him on, and ere long will bring him into difficulties. "He that committeth sin," said the Lord, "is the servant of sin." The truly spiritual man prays, of all things, to be protected against his own will; for he knows that his will is his proprium, and his proprium is evil. He prays to be guided by the Lord, in all things, great and small; for then he knows that he will be led aright, and all will go well. We should desire to subject none to ourselves, but to subject ourselves to the Lord: for then will the Lord's will be done in us, and, so far as our influence extends, will "the Lord's will be done, and his kingdom come, on earth, as it is in heaven."