Page:Sermons on the Ten Commandments.djvu/24

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"Fourthly: So far as he shuns adulteries, thus also unchaste and filthy thoughts, so far conjugial love enters, which is the inmost love of heaven, in which chastity itself resides.

"Fifthly: So far as he shuns murders, thus also deadly hatred and revenge, which breathe murder, so far the Lord flows in with mercy and love.

"Sixthly: So far as he shuns false witness, thus also lies and blasphemies, so far the spirit of truthfulness or veracity flows in from the Lord.

"Seventhly: So far as he shuns the concupiscence of possessing the houses of others, thus also the love and cupidities thence derived of possessing the goods of others, so far charity towards the neighbor flows in from the Lord.

"Eighthly: So far as he shuns the concupiscence of possessing the wife, servant, &c, of others, that is, the love of ruling over others, so far love to the Lord flows in.

"In these eight commandments are contained evils which are to be shunned; in the other two, the third and fourth, are contained some things which are to be done, namely, that the Sabbath is to be kept holy, and that parents are to be honored."[1]

From the summary view here presented of the substance of the Ten Commandments, we may derive much instruction; which knowledge will be made more full and clear, as we learn the meaning of each of those Commandments separately, in all their senses, the natural, spiritual, and celestial. This meaning we shall endeavor to set forth in the following discourses.

  1. Ap. Ex., n. 949.