Page:Sermons on the Ten Commandments.djvu/95

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here, signifying the Divine Love, and "the Word," Divine Truth, That Love created the universe by means of Truth, and not without, is meant by the words, "and without it," (that is, without the Word,) "was not anything made that was made"

We thus see, that Love and Truth, or what is the same. Goodness and Truth, are, as it were, the Father and Mother of all things. Love is the begetting principle, and Truth is the producing principle: by both conjoined is effected the work of creation.

But this truth may be seen still more distinctly, in the new creation or regeneration of man. The Lord, from his Divine love, is ever desiring to regenerate man, in order that he may be happy in heaven forever; yet that regeneration cannot be effected but by means of truth. The Lord's life, that is, his Divine love, is ever flowing into man, but, unless it find truth in his mind, to make use of as an instrument, it cannot effect his conversion and regeneration. Hence the Divine Word is given, which contains the needful truth, through which, as a means, the Divine love can act on the spirit. "Truth," says the Psalmist, "springs out of the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven."[1] Here by "the earth" is signified the natural mind or memory, in which have been stored up truths from the Divine Word, during the days of childhood. The Lord's "righteousness" or love flowing down from heaven, meets this truth so stored up, and fills it with life—rouses it to action. When temptation presents itself to the young man, the Lord's

  1. Ps. lxxxv. 11.