Page:Sermons preached in the African Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Thomas', Philadelphia.djvu/110

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the sin of grieving
[ser. v.

Second, To urge the admonition contained in the text.

1. Consider the great dignity of the Personage slighted. In the violation of the rules of civility among men, the degree of criminality is determined by the character of the persons. Hence the same act that would be termed simply an insult from one man towards his equal in station, would be called a great indignity towards his superior, say his Governor. This arises from the inequality of position that subsists between the parties. Now if the degree of guilt contracted by grieving the Spirit, is determined by his superior dignity, where shall we find a term that can give us an adequate idea of the crime? The Spirit of God fills immensity. And where is the mind that can, in its grandest and loftiest conceptions, fully comprehend this great truth? Such knowledge is too high, too wonderful, it cannot be attained. This the enraptured