Page:Sermons preached in the African Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Thomas', Philadelphia.djvu/119

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ser. vi.
retributive justice of god.

term of life, which was extended beyond the limit of nine hundred years. The same penitence, faith and obedience, that marked the character of Abel, when he offered "a more excellent sacrifice than Cain," were without doubt, equally prominent in our fore-parents, when "God made coats of skins and clothed them." It is not without good reason supposed, that this clothing was the skins of beasts slain in sacrifice by divine appointment, as typical of the one great sacrifice of Christ, who, in the fulness of time, "gave himself a ransom for all."

2. Another illustration of the truth that God is slow to anger, we have in the case of the Antediluvians. They had not only multiplied greatly in point of numbers, but their sins and iniquities also had increased to an alarming extent. "The wickedness of man was great in the earth, every imagination of the thoughts of