Page:Sermons preached in the African Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Thomas', Philadelphia.djvu/129

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ser. vi.]
retributive justice of god.

sometimes slow in effecting their purposes, because they are unable to accomplish their ends with despatch. No such inability belongs to Jehovah. What can stay his hand, who, "in the beginning created the heaven and the earth—who spake and it was done; who commanded, and it stood fast." Indeed, his slowness to anger, or long-forbearance, is perhaps, the greatest proof of his power that we can have any conception of. In contemplating the magnitude, the number and velocity of the planets, we are justly struck with amazement at the great power that upholds and sustains them. But what comparison can there be between the power that is put forth in the material system, and that which is manifested in his long-forbearance towards sinners. The former is power over matter, the latter is power over his own uncreated Being. The exhibition of monstrosity in wickedness, arouses at once the indignation of men, and nothing but the want of