Page:Sermons preached in the African Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Thomas', Philadelphia.djvu/182

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admonition to
[ser. ix.

thoughtlessness and indifference, as if your Creator had sent you into the world for no other purpose than to sit down and quietly repose in a state of spiritual stupor and inactivity—doing nothing in reference to your own salvation, or the salvation of others. Our days may be suffered to pass away as if they were of no account; but it will be seen in a coming day, that time wasted and unimproved was noticed by Him with whom we have to do. It will be seen to your terror and dismay, unless averted by timely repentance, that every vacant hour will be so many witnesses rising up around you in the day of judgment, to condemn you. Your fate will be similar to the unprofitable servant who hid his talent in the earth. Time is a most precious talent granted us to be employed to the honor and glory of God; but spiritual idlers bury this inestimable jewel in the grave of their "earthly, sensual and devilish" pursuits and practices. What else have they any ground to expect,