Page:Sermons preached in the African Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Thomas', Philadelphia.djvu/193

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ser. ix.]
redeem the time.

few days ago gave fair promise of a course of honor and usefulness, falling victims to the vice of intemperance? Where is that beautiful and interesting array of young men which was seen with sober mien and orderly deportment, engaged either in the Sabbath school, or taking part in the surpassingly beautiful and sublime services of our church? A few, we rejoice to say, are still to be found at their post. But where does the Sabbath find too many of them now? In the path, which if not speedily retraced, will inevitably lead to shame, disgrace, and ruin in this world, and everlasting punishment in the world to come. This is an ensnaring world—the moral atmosphere by which we are surrounded is charged with death. And if we would avoid being fatally infected, we must redeem the time, we must improve it by daily seeking that divine aid which will enable us to resist with success, the many temptations that beset our path;