Page:Sermons preached in the African Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Thomas', Philadelphia.djvu/196

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admonition to redeem the time.
[ser. ix.

in the vain pleasures and vicious practices of the world? Should he not, on the contrary, regard every flying moment as precious, and be diligent in "working out his own salvation with fear and trembling, while God worketh in him both to will and do his good pleasure?" This course your own conscience approves, and the word of God enjoins. Let the time past suffice wherein you have wrought folly. Resolve now that in the strength of divine grace, you will no longer live unto yourselves, but unto Him who died for you and rose again. And may He, "of whose only gift it cometh that "we can do unto him" true and laudable service, grant, that you may so faithfully serve him in this life, that you fail not finally to attain his heavenly promises through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour."—Amen.