Page:Sermons preached in the African Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Thomas', Philadelphia.djvu/199

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ser. x.]
considering the latter end.

will not understand, they will not "consider their latter end." Happy for you, my brethren, did you all form an exception—happy, were you free from the charge of a criminal, thoughtlessness upon this all important subject. But you are not so devoid of candor as to present your claim to innocence on this point. Well do you know, and often have you felt the application of the text in your own case; often have you heard the still, but powerful voice within, exclaiming,—"Oh, that you were wise, that you understood this, that you would consider your latter end!"

The two following propositions, will form the foundation of the remarks that we shall offer for your consideration.

1st. A due consideration of our latter end, is the part of true wisdom.

2d. The unwillingness of men to be wise in those things which involve their highest interest, affords matter for deep lamentation.